Jesus Christ the Switch

Corporate oneness = the entire race in one person. E.g. all humanity in Adam when he was born/created. And all humanity in Christ when immaculately born. This is corporate oneness. Where one person is everyone. Well then, what’s the next step? Substitution! The switch!



If I am Him and He is me, then who am I? …ok seriously.

When you’re standing before God, what makes you right with Him? Does grace get put into you or on you or how does God let you in? Otherwise if you’re a sinner and God says “He’s righteous, let him in” wouldn’t that be a lie? [see Romans 4:5Romans 4:5
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, Galatians 3:10Galatians 3:10
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Or, does God let you in, cause you believe Christ’s perfection and righteousness replaces yours because you believe in Him? Isn’t that also a beautiful lie? That’s like computer graphics and special effects, isn’t it? I mean you and Christ aren’t the same, so how come He gets to replace His life with yours? It’s unfair isn’t it? [[see Romans 10:4Romans 10:4
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; Acts 13:39Acts 13:39
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Actually both points of view are half-right J ! God has to make a sinner righteous before He can legally let them into heaven. In other words He has to be just. The Law demands it. At the same time however, God can’t just switch Christ’s life with yours, and just dump a bunch of cash (holiness) into your spiritual bank account.


So then, how does Christ become our Substitute, our Redeemer, our Replacement? Make it make sense to me!


The Bible teaches that God created all mankind in one man, Adam. By the way, his name actually translates to “earth”. Not just soil but the planet! So whenever God called out to Adam in the Bible He was actually saying “humanity! Where are you?!” or “planet! Where are you?!” Adam was our father. The first human. Not prototype, but the archetype – the model from which all others are imitations. The progenitor – the ancestral beginning from which all similar life forms come. Everyone is related to him. Proof? He messed. All die. Even new born babies who never did a thing, no new born has ever lived forever. All humanity stands legally as convicts on death row, cause one guy messed up.  We all look like our parents. So there must have been a first parent. Likewise, God can legally justify sinners because all humanity corporately obeyed the law in one Man, Jesus Christ — the second Adam.


God made this possible by uniting His Son with the life of the human race at the incarnation.

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