5 love languages – what is your love language
So everyone wants to be in healthy relationships. Romantic, family, friendships etc. As Christians we also believe that everyone has desires, dreams and weaknesses because nobody’s perfect. So then…the ultimate question…whats the key to happy fulfilling joyful relationships?
Well it always begins with God…but since we’re talking about love, and being loving and receiving love, its important to find out who you are and how God made you or designed you and how you can be your best in all your relationships. Personalities are different. Needs are different. Gary Chapman, about 20 years ago did a lot of research on why couples work out and why they dont. And he found that self-awareness (which is tough and thats why it needs prayer) is the key for you know what makes you happy. And the same for your partner. And then the two of you working through that to see if your relationship will workout.
Two whole and healthy people who have figured out what makes them tick are the most likely to have healthy love-filled and fulfilling relationships. Gary Chapman’s research has shown that there are 5 basic love languages… ways that people interact in relationships that humans find fulfilling. What makes you tick :). Especially when it comes to dating and courtship here is the known 5 languages. Where do you fit? We’ll look at this from the point of romantic relationships.
- Words Of Affirmation:-
Alot of people both young and old are swept off their feet by words. If you are in the category of people who love to play with words or who are easily swayed by sweet words. Then probably your love language is word of affirmation. If you enjoy it more when those words are been said or written to you I mean if you really appreciate receiving notes and poems then you are one of the people in this category. So…pay attention to have a healthy fulfilling romantic relationship, be brave enough to tell your partner of how deep your appreciation of words is and a good partner will take note of the clue.
- Acts of Service:-
If you are the queenly type or the bossy type, someone who loves to be served. Kidding! Relax. But..if you truly enjoy and appreciate having someone run errands for you then your love language might be act of service.
- Receiving Gifts:-
These are the kind of people who would be offended, touched, hurt if a partner falls to get them gifts at important times and dates. For this kind of person, the value of the gift is doesnt matter,they just love to receive gifts and will sincerely and honestly appreciate even the tiniest of gifts. So…what do you do if this is you….well try to nicely make it known to your partner in order to boost the romance of your relationship
- Physical Touch:-
Most guys will fall under this category but it is not only guys. If you love to be cuddled at all times and will always want to hold or touch your partner, you always enjoy physical contact, for you love is suppose to be transmitted physically, any physical touch will be appreciated by you.
- Quality Time:-
Most of us would love to have our partner spend all their time with us. However there are some who will give up every other thing above just to have some quality time with their partner. At outings, these set of people will always look for opportunity to take their partner to a secluded place just to spend some time together, they don’t seem to have enough of time with their partner and are always trying to gets their partner committed to spending time with them. So…sit up, pay attention, in a romantic relationship if this is you and you’ve recognized this as your love language then, help yourself by making it known to your partner.
If you wanna find out what your love language is, then you can take this survey and find out what your love language is online for FREE!
Or if you like you can download the quiz for couples here 5LoveLanguages_PersonalProfile_COUPLES
Or you can download the quiz for singles here 5LoveLanguages_PersonalProfile_SINGLES (if you arent married or engaged)
Here are some basic ways in which your love language affects the way you are as a person and how you interact with other people. The good the bad and the ugly.
If you got any questions feel free to chat to me or mail me 🙂
A quick note, Gary Chapman has a variety of free tools as well that you can use to go deeper and find out how your love language affects all your relationships. There are study guides for love languages for
- men
- women
- children
- teens
- how to deal with anger
- military and police service people
Check all of this out here : Free love languages guides. As well as things to buy like books, DVDs etc.