Apparently God is racist?!! No…really, it’s no joke

Ok as always, on a serious note here we go. The two Adams is one of the most neglected and misunderstood doctrines of the bible.  People don’t teach it much. But it’s so important, you wouldn’t believe it! The eternal destiny of everyone ever born, every last one, is connected to these two men — Adam and Christ, who is the “second Adam.”


In the last section, God created all mankind in one man (yes, God does know what He’s doing), Adam [Genesis 1:27-28Genesis 1:27-28
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; Acts 17:26Acts 17:26
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]. Bad news is, Satan corrupted/messed up all mankind in that one man, Adam (planet/humanity)  (and he thought he’d won) [Romans 5:12, 18Romans 5:12, 18
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; 1 Corinthians 15:21-221 Corinthians 15:21-22
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]….wait for it….. And God redeemed all mankind in one Man, Christ Jesus the second Adam (booyaw!…see why God created Adam the way He did? Yes, you betta believe God knows what He’s doing…sin wasn’t a surprise for God) [see 1 Corinthians 1:301 Corinthians 1:30
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; Ephesians 1:3, 2:5-6Ephesians 1:3, 2:5-6
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].  The Bible is really clear in the amazing stuff it expects you believe! Example? … “in Adam all die” and that “in Christ all will be made alive” [1 Corinthians 15:221 Corinthians 15:22
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Ok… we’re gonna go even deeper. Brace yourself!



In Romans 5:11Romans 5:11
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, Paul talks about a glorious truth of the gospel.  He says that we Christians can rejoice because we have already received atonement. God is already satisfied with where we stand with Him. Paul then goes on to explain verses 12-21 how this happened!  He does it by using Adam as a type, or pattern, of Christ [see verse 14].


He argues that we’re redeemed/changed/transformed “in Christ” in the same way that we are lost/twisted/condemned “in Adam.” The history of these two men — Adam and Christ — has affected the eternal destiny of all mankind (!!!! Warning this is a prayer point!!!).  In order to use Adam as a pattern of Christ, Paul first explains, in verses 12-14, breaks it down about our situation is “in Adam.”



Am I condemned because of the things I do or because of who I am?

If my dad does something wrong, like corruption, or rob a bank, and it comes out in public, does it affect the whole family? Do people look at our family badly from that point onwards or just him? Do we, as his family, also become criminal or tainted or dirty in the eyes of everyone else?


If you’re brave enough, you have to believe that when God gave the command, the death sentence pronounced on Adam when he sinned was the second death — eternal death.  It was good-bye to life forever. Destruction. Sounds harsh but in essence God said, “My son, I love you, everything in this world I made is yours, BUT if you eat any apples off this tree without My express permission, I will end you”. And then Eve, ironically before she sinned, understood God so deep in her gut, so intuitively (women are naturally intuitive cause God made them that way) and told the snake (that serpent of old, called Satan and the devil, father of lies and a murderer from the beginning John 8:44John 8:44
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) – “I can’t even touch it! If I do that its over! End of story. Total destruction”. Now knowing what she had just said, and knowing that Adam and Eve understood God right, not first death, but destruction of the soul….can you see the devil wanting Adam and Eve to eat and have to sleep or for God to have to totally destroy them? Remember Jesus said in John that the devil has been a murderer from the beginning. Can you see how deep Satan’s hatred was for these beings that looked like and reminded him of Christ? Satan wanted God to end them, especially after he heard God’s commandment to Adam about the tree! Think about it.



When God sees us, when we’re not yet saved, does He look at us as dead or alive?

Were we ever meant to be alive on our own without Christ, if Jesus is the lamb slain from the very foundation of the world?

Whether you’re Christian or not, are you alive right now because your heart is beating, or are because Jesus was the lamb booked/scheduled/appointed/purposed for death before the first human was ever created? Is that air your breathing?


To demonstrate that the chains of Adam’s sin has made us slaves, God gave His law  Romans 5:20Romans 5:20
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BUT __________________________________________________

________________________________________________ did you see how the Bible uses the word ‘but’ there? Meaning… yes Jesus covered us, BUT, to get us to the point where we would see we need Jesus, God gave the Law. )[see also Romans 7:7-13Romans 7:7-13
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].  In other words, Paul is explaining God’s MOTIVES in giving us His law: it was NOT to solve the sin problem but to expose it. Now, knowing that the Law can’t help, just exposes your nakedness…and lets also pretend that you love God can you see why David writes in Psalms 19:7Psalms 19:7
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“the law of the Lord is _______________________________________________________

________________________________________, making the simple wise”. God gave the Law, to show us how much we need Him, knowing we’d fail. We’ve just been too stubborn to admit it. Keeping the letter but failing the spirit of the law. Or…for those of who focus mostly on grace…We’re tryna be good people instead of accepting that we have to be perfect people. Good just aint good enough. For example, the difference in divine standard between a man who only lusts after a woman but doesn’t sleep with her. God calls that man an adulterer. See where this is headed?

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